Saturday 27 April 2013

Me-Made-May '13!

After much umming and ahhhing I've decided to go for it and participate in Me-Made-May this year! I don't really feel like I have enough of a me-made wardrobe to be giving this a go, well at least not enough everyday wear, but I've got much more than I had this time last year and I do wear more me-made garments out and about as my sewing confidence has grown. So....

'I, Fiona of Diary of a Chainstitcher, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment three times a week for the duration of May 2013'

Hopefully three garments a week won't be too much of a push. I've already got some plans and am hoping I can get a few more bits and pieces made up during May itself to give me some variety towards the end of the month.

I'm planning on doing a once a week post on here to round up my three outfits for the week. Hopefully the fact that I have you all to keep tabs on how I'm doing will keep me on track!

I think it's such a brilliant idea of Zoe's and am so pleased to be able to give it a go. Who else is getting involved this year and for who is it the first time?!


  1. I think 3 times a week is very doable. I can't wait to see how this works for you. My me-made wardrobe definitely isn't up to it this year...maybe next year, though.

    1. I'm sure it is Evie! Actually I'm sure even if yours isn't up to it Button's must be!

  2. You can do it! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

    1. Thank you! It's going ok so far, really enjoying it actually. Post to come soon!

  3. Looking forward to seeing your outfits!

    1. Thanks! After seeing some of other people's from the flickr group I don't think mine are up to much but I'm really enjoying challenging myself to style my makes different ways


I love hearing from readers of my blog so please feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you thought about this post/make! Any hints or tips to improve my sewing are always much appreciated too!

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